

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Megan Whitehead.

What to write about my sister? My twin sister. It just so happens that today is our 24th birthday. I didn't intend for that to happen in the beginning, but it does kind of make this post a little special. I've always known that Megan would be my maid of honor. I mean, really, the twin sister is a shoe in. When we were little, we would get in childish spouts and oust eachother from the position, but that never stuck for long. So here we are, grown ups and being the "of honor"s in each other's weddings this summer. We obviously met in the womb of Mae Whitehead. We are identical twins born one minute apart in the grand ole year of 1988.

We really have done everything together. Went to nursery together, started school together, graduated together, went to college together, and now are planning weddings together.  When we started kindergarten my mom took us to the school on the first day to introduce us to the teacher. Instead of Megan and I being upset, my mom was the one that left the school crying. That's pretty much how life has gone. I've never been afraid of much of anything because I've always had a partner in crime to go with me. Megan has seen the good, the bad, and the real real ugly. She's been there through all the crushes on the good lookin' high school boys, the first boyfriends that you didn't speak to except when you invited them to our birthday party, the first love, and the horrible break up that that ended with, and of course my college years with Jeremy.
A question that everyone in the world ask twins about their boyfriends: "Have y'all every switched places on 'em?!" Well… I can tell you a little story about that. Jeremy and I started dating in the fall of my freshman year at ICC. One weekend Megan and I were home in Shannon, and he was at his house in Mooreville. I must have been getting ready to go out that night, because when he called I told Megan to just answer the phone. Before she could get out that she was Megan instead of Mallory, Jeremy starts in a romantic speech… "I'm in the middle of a field watching the sunset, and I wish you were here…" Of course Megan burst into laughter, tells me what Jeremy said, and then we both burst into laughter. That is the only time that Jeremy Haynes has got mad and hung up the phone on me. So technically, we have never switch places on our boyfriends, but there are occasional misshaps that are bound to happen with two people that look and sound just alike.
Another question is how in tarnation are we going to split all of the piles of stuff that we have shared for our entire lives? Clothes, shoes, the hair straightener, television, movies, socks, underwear, a crock-pot, the metal chicken... (Yes, we share underwear. I've really not ever thought that as being weird. They are clean, and it would be incredibly troublesome to separate them from the dryer after they were washed. Do you know what all of your underwear looks like?) The solution is a NFL style draft that will take place closer to time. We're just going to have to take turns picking from the pile like grown women. This is the only solution that we could think of that would be more civilized than a legal divorce. (I feel a post about The Draft coming on later.)
Megan has been my rock throughout most of my life. She's steady, and up until now, I always knew that she would be there when I experienced new surroundings. I suppose she'll still be there in a sense that we're both going to be newly weds at the same time, just 15 minutes down the road. People have asked me how I feel about Megan and Ben deciding to get married three weeks after Jeremy and me. Do I think she's stealing my thunder? Absolutely not. For Pete's sake, we share everything. We might as well share the wedding summer.
I will conclude this series of posts with a quote I got out of the Daily Journal from a set of twins from Oxford that wrote a book about being twins
"People will ask, 'What's it like being a twin? We don't know what it's like not the be. A lifelong gift, she's it. The greatest gift God gave me, she's it."

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