

Monday, March 12, 2012

Brittany Crawford Mallini.

The cousin Brittany. As far back as I can remember, Brittany has been the cousin who liked to "primp" as my mother and Aunt Celia would say. When we were little she would  put that little kid makeup on me, Megan, and Kelsey and paint our fingernails little girl pink. I also remember one time when I was probably in the sixth grade, Brittany asked me, "When are you going to start wearing makeup?!" With a comment like that coming from your older cousin, this middle schooler definitely sent her mother to Walmart the next Saturday to get a pile of Covergirl makeup. I hold Brittany directly responsible for me wearing makeup, which most certainly helped in getting Jeremy to marry me. This automatically qualifies her as a bridesmaid. She may also be responsible for inspiring the bright red lipstick that I will be wearing on the big day as well as the five inch heels that I picked out for the bridesmaids to wear.

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