

Monday, March 19, 2012

Kelsey Crawford Russell.

When Kelsey got married, she hosted a bridesmaids brunch, and she gave us all sweet little handwritten notes that inspired these sweet little typed notes for my bridesmaids. (To give me a little cred, these were originally handwritten.) In my letter she wrote about how I had Maw Maw's sweet, easy-going spirit. That's funny, because I think Kelsey has the same sweet easy-going spirit. All of Maw Maw's grandkids do… at least until we are pushed. Then we get the temper that we've inherited from Mama and Aunt Celia  that they must have gotten from their dad. Like most cousins do, we spent many Saturday afternoons playing at our Maw Maw's house. There's a magnolia tree that's still there that was perfect for climbing. Brittany, Kelsey, Megan, and I would climb as high as we could get in that tree before our mamas started screaming at us. We carved the initials of whichever 3rd and 4th grade boy from Shannon and Pontotoc Elementary that we taught was the cutest at the time. Kelsey and John dated for a long time before getting married, but I'm not so sure that his initials are there. I'm positive that JRH is nowhere on that tree surrounded by hearts. The Good Lord knows that probably all of the boys who's initials I carved in that tree are either in jail now or have three or four illegitimate children. Kelsey's only a year older than me, so she was sort paved the road for me and Megan growing up. She broke Uncle Tommy into the idea of us little cousins having boyfriends so that he didn't pick at us too much, she let me know how high school was really like, and when she went to community college she let me and Megan get a taste of how it was by hosting us in her dorm room. That's what older cousins do, and she's a good one.

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