

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Russ Christian.

We met on Mooreville High School baseball field. I believe we were warming up and he offered to let me warm up with him. Ping pong, workouts, and summer baseball put me and Russ together a lot in high school. Not to mention our like-morals and passion for Rocky. At ICC we became even closer friends, as he basically lived on my couch in Fulton during the week. Deep conversations about physics, math, and the Bible kept us up late a lot of nights as well as the need for ping pong and occasional pyromania. This remained the same in Starkville. Somewhere along the way we discovered how much we both loved to fish, so I've spent probably more sunrises and sunsets with Russ than I have with Mallory. We have provided meat for friends and family many times. I believe if you gave us good weather conditions on a given Saturday in the spring, we could catch enough fish to feed my whole church. Russ is not only one of the deepest thinkers I know, he's probably the most thorough thinking person I know. Russ thinks everything all the way through. He can fix anything there is to fix and skin anything there is to skin. I like Russ because he's interesting. Rarely can you ask him a question that he hasn't either thought about or can figure out and give you a good answer. I'm a lot the same way. You should hear some of our fishing conversations. He is one f the purest hearted and good-est people I know. I want to be like Russ.

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