

Monday, February 20, 2012

Chad McCoy.

Chad and I met as a result of the BSU in Baltimore, Maryland of all places. Our friendship grew as a result of our both being on the ICC BSU leadership team in 2007-2008, but it especially grew in 2008-2009 when we bothed stayed at ICC for our third year. We made new friends, but to me, at lease, sometimes it felt like me and Chad were all that was left because all the others from our class moved on from the BSU. Our friendship also grew as he became better friends with my high school friend, Josh Chism. We all rode together to the Bartahatchie Grill for a BSU Christmas leadership team party. They seemed like unlikely friends to me, but as they became better friends we all hung out together more. Chad is my dependable friend. He's the one that's always got a couch to crash on and a minute to talk.

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