

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rob Chittom.

ICC BSU was a mosh posh of neutrality. There were a few really liberal active folks, a few really conservative, and a lot more that were somewhere in the middle. Rob and I met because one of the leftwingers was one of the BSU directors, and Rob told him that he was looking for a Bible study group that was King James only. Of course he sent Rob right to me. Rob and I met in the BSU hallway in a heavy crowd of people because he both believed in the KJV. He joined my Bible study and down the road I went to his. Little did Rob know , the 1987 Southern Baptist Convention conservative vs. liberal debate was about to take place in the 2007-2008 ICC BSU, and somehow Lance and I got shoved to the front line. Rob soon joined us and that's what truly made us friends. Rob had actually already known or met me earlier in 2007 at Youth Camp, but since he only came for the services, we didn't really get to know each other. In 2008, Rob did come to camp and that deepened our friendship. You don't have to come to GMBC church camp to be my friend, but it goes a long way to helping you understand me. My third year at ICC, I lived off campus in a house with two guys that Rob introduced me to. We all spent way way way too many hours playing ping-pong at that house, and that's when we discovered Rob's smirk. If Rob has ever beaten you at anything, you know the smirk. It's probably my favorite thing in the world to hate. He was the brains behind our house situation in Starkville. He found the roommates and Hutch, I think, found the house. Of us four housemates, Rob and I were actual roommates, and like Lance at ICC, Rob and I grew at depth because of late night conversations about God, girls, and life. He's been my most consistent accountability partner and faithful Christian example I've had through my college years. Grumpy's Tuesdays, Western Wednesdays, Hearts Thursdays, Sling Pong Friday nights and Football Saturdays marked two great years we spent in Starkville. Rob is the only friend I have that even comes close to staying up as late as I do, and that bond has deepened our friendship as much as anything because of the countless times one of us needed to talk and the other was awake to talk. Rob is my convicted friend. Rob has convictions. And if push came to shove, Rob would die for his convictions. I admire that about him. P.S. I'm writing this at 1:45 am on a Sunday morning and Rob and I are texting.

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