

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Chester Drawer.

When I was in the second grade I dropped the hot glue gun on my left ankle. I was sitting Indian style in my parents’ front foyer gluing the frill on an apron that I was making. My dad was responsible for watching me and Megan, and he was obviously more lenient with the more dangerous craft tools. My mom was pretty mad when she came home to a screaming child and half finished apron in the floor. The doctor told us to cover the burn with vitamin E cream and wrap it in saran wrap, and I wore that get-up to school for about two weeks until the wound healed. I still have a nice white scar on that ankle that won’t tan or grow hair to remind me of the event.

I suppose if that doesn’t deter someone from crafts, I don’t think there’s much that will. The Good Lord made me a crafter, and for as long as I can remember I’ve piddled with crayons, yarn, paint, glue, and glitter. And I say that it's definitely a gift, because some people don't have a crafty bone it their body (Jeremy Haynes, but that's okay). My dad worked at Hancock Fabrics for years, and every once in a while he would bring home scrap ribbon and what-not. I think most kids think their dad’s are cool for things like toughness, strength, or athleticism. My dad got me with the ribbon, and so this wonderful journey began.

I’m not sure when The Chester Drawer was conceived. I think it was sometime during that horrible year in Columbus. Misery makes a person conspire of better options, and there was lots of conspiring going on at that wretched place. At that point in my life this girl right here had full intentions of being a school teacher, so the idea of having a craft business seemed perfect for summer, you know, something fun to do with Megan. Maybe retirement with the grandkids. I graduated from State in the spring of 2011 with a degree in Elementary Education, and got a job teaching ninth grade pre-biology at Shannon High School. I was a professional school teacher for a total of 7 days. The day I resigned was one of those days that every little detail will forever be etched in your memory, like the day you get saved or the day you met your spouse. I am very proud of myself for that day.

It’s hard to explain because I don’t fully understand the situation myself. I know that before the teaching thing the Lord had be nudging me and nudging me, and then he finally shoved me in His direction and I feel like I didn’t have any other option but to go with it. Shortly after I resigned (I like “resigned” better than “quit”), I was graciously given an opportunity at the bank, and worked at the call center for a good year. Learned some valuable lessons there, like how important people's money is to them, and continued lessons in how to communicate with the human race. I am currently in the compliance department working feverishly at my patriotic duty as an anti-money laundering specialist. This weekend, however, I will make my debut as what I feel that God made me to be. What I’ve done and enjoyed for my entire life, and was too stubborn to ever make it a serious option. The Chester Drawer will make it’s grand opening at the Amory Railroad Festival as a full- fledged craft vender.

People don’t like quitters, and I’m afraid that is what I’ve appeared to be to most people since that day I resigned. Of all the things in the world, I don’t want to appear lazy or undependable. Back in December, I couldn't sleep one night, which is incredible abnormal. I woke Jeremy up and we decided together that we were going to make this craft thing a reality. In the middle of the night we picked April 2013 as the kickoff, I wrote it on my marker board, and it's been there ever since. I've spent every spare moment on craft projects, and will make my appearance at the festival completely exhausted. But proud. I don't know if I will every be able to make a living as a crafter, or even if The Chester Drawer will see the light of day after this weekend, but it doesn't hurt to dream, right? It's 12:15 in the morning of the grand opening. I am scared to death and so excited that I can barely contain myself all at the same time. Come see me if you can. 

Forever crafting,

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! NEVER feel like a quitter. Please post things on facebook so I can see. I love some craftiness! :)
